設施 Amenities




Our hotel focuses on all the details of residence, from towels, sheets, diffusers, mirrors to the use of toiletries, we use high-quality brands that are deeply cultivated in Taiwan. We hope to provide unprecedented comfort and we have a great public. Space experience, spacious work and reading space, and a shared kitchen full of surprises. We hope that travelers can enjoy and slow down to experience this beautiful port city.


床組布料 linens


The bed and quilt fabrics of this hotel are made of domestic products, using high-count and high-quality materials, so that you can comfortably wander in the sea of ​​quilts .

洗沐用品 toiletries- 綠藤生機 

很多旅宿的洗髮品與沐浴用品都會讓你乾燥發癢,我們找來了台灣純淨保養品牌「綠藤生機」,亞洲唯一四年蟬聯「對世界最好」大獎,專注研發對肌膚與環境友善的產品。 無動物實驗。天然安心保養洗沐品。,讓你的頭髮和皮膚柔順、光滑。

It's no secret that some hotel shampoos and soaps make you dry and itchy. We have found Taiwan’s pure care brand "Greenvine", the only one in Asia to win the "Best for the World" award for four consecutive years, focusing on research and development for skin and the environment. Friendly product. No animal experiments. Natural, peace of mind, and care products. , Make your hair and skin soft and smooth.

當代展覽 Modern Exhibition


"Living in a museum" is the state we hope to provide. Whenever we come to a city, we can see the connotation of the transformation of a city through the arrangements of artists and curators. At the same time, we hope to provide a place for such a beautiful city. A platform for artists to take advantage of contradictory ideas.

生活平台 LIVIing platform


We provide a small semi-outdoor platform on the top floor. You can also do yoga, read a book, chat and even eat on the platform, and enjoy your time in the city.

共享廚房 shared kitchen


We offer a comfortable public space on the first floor, where you can work and chat with local art groups, complete kitchen equipment, coffee machines, water dispensers, so you can use them freely, Also, the kitchen also provides cereals, fresh milk, toast, and eggs, so you can easily make a good meal for friends and family.

自助洗衣 Washing machine


We have also placed self-service laundry machines on the top floor, and laundry detergent is available for purchase at the front desk. This allows travelers staying for several days to independently wash their clothes.